The Pier Shareware 3
The Pier Shareware Number 3 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso
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File List
566 lines
│ │
│ Subject 35 - OS/2 Programs / Utilities │
│ │
│ Files: 203 Bytes: 31,599,663 │
16MEG.ZIP This is a short information file dealing
with the use of greater than 16 meg of
memory with OS/2.
21ANN.ZIP OS/2 2.1 Official announcement, pricing,
dates of availability and additional program
listings and releases.
21CID.ZIP Update Lan CID for OS/2 2.1. For Lan Server
21FAST.ZIP Description of book & utilities for os/2 2.1.
21GT16.ZIP OS/2 2.1 fix for machines with 16MB RAM. If
fixes two specific problems: 1) the
inability to install 2) continuous booting.
You should only apply this fix if you've
experienced these problems.
293253.ZIP Announcement: IBM Device Driver Source Kit
for OS/2.
34NWREQ.ZIP Proteon os/2 requestor for p134x nics.
84NWREQ.ZIP Proteon os/2 requestor for p184x nics.
ARCH.ZIP Use WPS Folder to handle contents of ZIP/LZH
archives. Based on NEWZIPS.CMD by Felix
Sawicki. For OS/2.
ASSOED03.ZIP Inspect and modify associations. New: drag
support. For OS/2 thru 2.1 beta
ATIOS2DV.ZIP OS/2 2.x drivers for ATI video cards based on
AV171.ZIP Outstanding 32-Bit pm Archive Viewer and
file maintenance utility for OS/2 v2.x
AV180.ZIP Archive Viewer V1.80 PM shell for
ZIP/ZOO/LZH/ARJ/ARC files. For OS/2.
BALLISTO.ZIP Full featured ballistics program for OS/2.
BG11.ZIP Backgammon 1.1, board game for OS/2 2.x PM.
BG12.ZIP Backgammon 1.2, board game for OS/2 2.x PM.
BKVIEW32.ZIP 32 bit freeware PM program. Gives listbox
which allows you to chooseinf files to view.
Requires OS/2 2.x.
BLANKER1.ZIP Simple screen blanker for OS/2.
BMDEMO10.ZIP BackMaster 1.O DEMO Backup Softwear for OS/2
2.1 Supports QIC-80 Drives including *CMS
Jumbo 250*
Files: 6 09-15-93...09-17-93 New: 6
BOOTDI.ZIP This REXX utility will use OS/2 2.1 Disks 0
and 1 to create a dual-floppy one-step boot
in host configuration with HPFS, SCSI,
BOOTFX.ZIP GetBoot and PutBoot v1.0 - for OS/2 June
1993 Transfer boot sectors from disks to
files and vice-versa
CALCOMP.ZIP Beta Driver for OS/2 2.1. For use with 3300
series digitizer pads.
CHATR.ZIP OS/2 ChatterBox V1.0 - Send and recieve
messages over a LAN. Similar to pgms that
display and change text on screen with data
from a file, instead of loading if from a
text file, it's input by users and displayed
on everyone's screen.
CHKPASSP.ZIP Adds Password Checking to Callme V.1.42 For
OS/2. Stops users from illegally logging
into your system
CIDSAM.ZIP Sample code to help CID enable an
application. Contains a complete CID
Enabled installation program, written in
REXX. Also contains 3 sample programs that
show how response files can be processed.
For OS/2.
CIDSETUP.ZIP IBM EWS Quick start kit and instructions for
CID installation. Installing OS/2 and other
products across a lan. Uses NTS/2 as a base.
CLICD2.ZIP Cretive Labs OS/2 2.x.ADD driver for
Creative Lab CD-ROM drives including the new
Panasonic 562/563 double speed drives.
CMDLINE.ZIP OS/2 PM based program that allows you to
execute DOS and OS/2 commands without
opening a DOS or OS/2 window.
CRON212.ZIP Cron/2 V1.2 by Rob Hood. Extends The
Traditional Cron Behaviour by Adding
Client/Server Extensions Via Tcp/ip. Each
Cron/2 Process Can Act as Client.
CSEDB2.ZIP CS-Edit/2 Beta Drop #2. The intelligent
CONFIG.SYS editor for OS/2 2.x. Never boot
TMATE412.ZIP Telemate version 4.12 --
powerful DOS-based communications program --
works fine windowed or full screened.
DDCSFIX.ZIP DDCS/2 v1.0 fixes for APARs JR06138,
JR06262, JR06806, JR06916, JR07062, JR07104,
JR07201, JR07016 and JR06051 (IBMnet).
DEBOO100.ZIP DeBOO v1.00 for OS/2 2.x May 1993 Converts
files in "BOO" encoded format back into
their original form.
DIRSTACK.ZIP Dirstack01 (Incorporating Pushd, Popd,
Initd) Batch File Directory Stack Commands
For Os/2.
DMINE110.ZIP Yet another version of Minesweeper for OS/2
DSNEWS.ZIP OS/2 Developer Support Newsletter.
E17EL1.ZIP Emacs 19.17 OS/2 ELisp sources 1/2
E17EL2.ZIP Emacs 19.17 OS/2 ELisp sources 2/2 (optional)
E17INFO.ZIP Emacs 19.17 OS/2 Info files
E17LIB1.ZIP Emacs 19.17 OS/2 Elisp compiled (.elc) 1/2
E17LIB2.ZIP Emacs 19.17 OS/2 Elisp compiled 2/2
E17MAN.ZIP Emacs 19.17 OS/2 manual pages (included only
for completeness)
E17MORE.ZIP Emacs 19.17 OS/2 extra files and executables
E17NOTE.ZIP GNU Emacs 19.17 for OS/2 Readme file,
describes which archives you need and/or want
EDMI3.ZIP OS/2 Programer's Mag. Vol 3
EMXRT.ZIP EMX runtime DLL's version 0.8g for OS/2
ENVLGO.ZIP ENVELOGO v1.00 - quickly prints envelope
with your LOGO/return address. Choice of
styles. for OS/2.
ERROR.ZIP ASCII File Listing OS/2 Commands With Return
Codes. Lists all the OS/2 commands with
return code/errorlevel values, the values
they use and their associated meaning.
ERROROS2.ZIP Ascii file listing of ALL OS/2 commands with
return code/errorlevel values and their use
and their associated meaning
ETHLD102.ZIP ETHLOAD v1.02: Ethernet load/problem
analyzer and events tracer. Eric Vyncke
EXDESK.ZIP Extended Desktop for OS/2 2.x Adds a
subclass to your desktop, allowing arranging
icons by grid, snapping, alignment, and so
on. IBM employee written software. Req.
OS/2 2.0 GA+SP or 2.1
FAQ21A.ZIP Os/2 faq file for os/2 2.1 - info and tips.
FAQ21B.ZIP Timothy Sipples' Frequently-Asked Questions
for OS/2 (July 12/93).
FC2_013.ZIP "File Commander" v0.13, an OS/2 clone of
Norton Commander.
FDTN002U.ZIP FrontDoor Technical Note update Running
FD/RA under OS/2 2.1 GA (SDS).
FLST111.ZIP FastLst Nodelist Compiler v1.11 for OS/2 by
Alberto Pasquale.
FORTH030.ZIP Forth/2 v.030 Beta.
FORWRN10.ZIP ForeWarn version 1.0 date manager for OS/2.
FOUR22.ZIP Connect four - board game for OS/2 2.x PM.
GALLER15.ZIP Galleria 1.5 - image utility, screen
capture. For OS/2. Gives more control over
GCKEY2.ZIP GCP 2.0E keyboard assignments. OS/2 program
GLOBEIC2.ZIP 78 Icons For OS/2 of World Globes And Maps,
Converted From Windows.
HSTART01.ZIP Alternative to OS/2 START command. Can only
work with OS/2 2.1
HSWTCH03.ZIP Switch sessions in OS/2 from within full
screen sessions.
IBMREBUT.ZIP IBM rebutal to some of the false claims
Microsoft has made when comparing IBM OS/2
with WIN 3.1 and WIN NT.
IBMTRDB.ZIP IBMTRDB.ZIP contains Version 1.2 of the
LANStreamer OS/2 device driver that resolves
TRAP000D on startup with multiple adapters
installed; Users unable to LOGON to server
with multiple adapters installed;
Performance problems; Session hangs.
IC04982.ZIP Fix for WINOS2 RIPL clients. Applies to
IC051703.ZIP APARFix IC05170 for LS 3.0. Sytos Plus logs
errors that it could not set attributes.
Redirector not handling the last field
(attrFile) correctly. (IBMnet).OS/2 LAN Serv
IC05212.ZIP FSI will not start as server tries to come
up and fails. (IBMnet). OS/2
IC05490.ZIP AKA JR06550. NETBEUI.OS2 fixed module for
LAN Server 3.0. Symptom: Server hanging, OS
still active, no errors logged by server.
Server I-Frame buffers filled by Client
workstations in RemoteBusy state. (IBMnet).
ICMEM2.ZIP OS/2 2.1 PCMCIA memory card drivers-Ver 1.0.
INIM21B2.ZIP INIMAINT v2.1B: OS/2 PM-Based application to
move, display, etc all OS/2 INI files
6.19.93 update of text files ONLY. [2/2]
INIMT21B.ZIP INIMAINT.EXE v2.1b for OS/2 2.x [1/2] use
with INIM21B2.ZIP which contains updated
text modules.
INIMT21F.ZIP OS/2 os2.ini maintenance utility accomodate
OS/2v2.1! PM Based application.LarryJ Martin
INTERC.ZIP Intercept Icon Arrange and/or Desktop
Lockup. OS/2 2.x utility to intercept and
(optionally) "disable" the icon ARRANGE
function and/or the Desktop LOCKUP functions
when chosen from the menu.
IOSTONE.ZIP IOSTONE is a disk benchmark program. It was
originaly for Unix, now modified for OS/2
JOEVW12.ZIP JoeView v1.2, a PM based image viewer,
handles many formats. For OS/2.
JR061012.ZIP IBM LAN Transport LANDD.OS2 (IBMnet). Fix
for LAN 2.0 server w/OS/2
JR061013.ZIP IBM LAN Transport LANDD.OS2.
JR07011.ZIP Extended Services V1.0 APAR JR07011 - fixes
relating to use of 3270 Host Print for OS/2
JTP113.ZIP Junktick For OS/2. A Tick/raid/etc
KED204.ZIP KEd is a character mode text editor for OS/2
v 2.0. It is a full 32-bit application, and
features support for HPFS, macros, unlimited
number of files, huge file sizes, cut and
paste, and shelling to a command processor.
KLCPU.ZIP Tests the true CPU speed of your computer.
Can run in several OS/2 sessions
concurrently. Helps to choose the right
priority settings in OS/2.
LAPCID.ZIP APAR IC05553 -- NTS/2 Does not install DOS
VDDS. Fix for OS/2 APAR IC05553. There was
adefect in the NTS/2 installation code. The
fix contains 2 new DLL's:
LIFEOS2.ZIP Game of Life Screen Saver (w/source) for
OS/2 2.1 only.
LSESSERV.ZIP Info about Extended Os/2 Servicepaks v.1.3.
M21SHP2.ZIP Latest Ini Fixes For March Os/21 Beta,
Replaces M21shp.Zip
MAH21E.ZIP MAH JONGG 2.1 for OS/2 2.X (english
version). Supports multiple boards (not
only the"dragon"), multiple tile-sets (you
can create your own ones), tournament game
and many other options.
MARPDK.ZIP March PDk Request Procedure. This is A
Brief Description of The March PDk And The
Proper Procedure For Ordering The PDk World
Wide. PDK=Programmers Development Kit for
OS/2 2.1
MAXPT201.ZIP Maximus01 Patch That Allows Maximus To Use
CdRoms for Os/2 version only - v01wb
MEM100.ZIP Mem 1.00 - Memory Statistics for OS/2 2.x
Small *FREE* utility to display memory usage
for OS/2 2.x. Written by Jibben Software.
Files: 7 09-17-93...09-17-93 New: 4
MEMSZ200.ZIP Memsize v2.00. CPU Usage Application
updated for 2.1GA. Now 32 bit app; includes
elapsed time monitoring. For OS/2. Multi
language doc
MEMSZ210.ZIP OS/2 System Resources Monitor Provides
clock, uptime, memory usage, swap-file size,
CPU load, #tasks and disk usage.
MENUMAST.ZIP Text mode menuing system: evaluation
version. For OS/2. Allows someone to tap
the power of OS/2 without having to have
access to the full desktop.
MEOS2.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12: tool for creating/changing
documents, pgms, & other text files; string
searching/replacing paragraph reformatting/
deleting, automatic word wrapping, word
move/ deletes, easy case controling,
automatic word counts and more; Daniel M.
Lawrence OS/2 1.0-2.1 Executable.
MINE213.ZIP Multimedia Minesweeper (Like Windows Game)
W/Digitized Sound Uses Mmpm Os/2.
MITSU21.ZIP Using mitsumi cd-rom with os/2 v 2.1.
MLABPM.ZIP Midilab/2 Os/2 Midi SequencerEditor. Read
Subfile Faxsheet.Txt For Details.
MOUSECHG.ZIP MOUSECHG.CMD is a simple REXX exec to change
your default mouse pointer under OS/2 2.1.
It does this by modifying your OS2.INI file
to include a new "Application" called
MOUSEY10.ZIP Change the mouse pointer on screen in OS/2
2.1. (FW).
MVOS221.ZIP Latest pas-16 drivers for os/2 2.1.
MVPROD.ZIP Pas 16 os/2 driver update from mediavision.
This is listed as beta and the instructions
are to rename the old driver and replace
with this. From Mediavision forum on
NAVOS.ZIP Rexx script for OS/2 and Naval Obs. Time.
NEMO01.ZIP Captain Nemo is a text-mode shell program
for OS/2. It tries to imitate the Norton
Commander (R) for DOS v.2 as closely as
possible and yet realize a smooth
integration with OS/2 features. This
version 0.1 is the first release.
NGVIEW.ZIP Allows you to view Norton Guides and Expert
Help files under OS/2.
NISTIMEX.ZIP Set OS/2 clock from NIST time server. BUG
FIX: Now properly accesses the TZ
environment variable to set clock. Prior
version will only work for Eastern timezone.
NTS2FX.ZIP NTS/2 fixes for OS/2 2.1 and CID install.
NTWRTCP.ZIP How to get the Novell Netware Requester for
OS/2 and IBM TCP/IP to work together on
OS/2, without NTS/2. (FW).
OCLN106.ZIP OS/2 Virus CLEAN from McAfee vers 1.06
OFU104.ZIP Opus File Updater with OS/2 version for Opus
OPTI201.ZIP Optical disk driver version 2.01 for OS/2
OS21PERF.ZIP OS/2 2.1 Performance Improvements list Use
OS/2 View facility to display this guide.
OS21TIPS.ZIP IBM white papers - 2 documents offering
performance and tuning tips for OS/2 2.1.
Includes notes on DOS and WINOS2 sessions.
This is a must have !. Nice Postscript and
messy plain ASCII formatted versions.
OS2APP.ZIP Book Review of "designing OS/2 Applications"
by David e. Reich. Book is Intended For
OS/2 32-Bit (Text or Pm) Application
Designers And Programmers.
OS2BT1.ZIP 16 bit OS/2 2.x drivers (Beta) from ATI
Supports ATI GU,GUP,GU+ and Vantage
OS2CCP.ZIP OS/2 2.1 Compression compatibility package
is a set of programs to allow the use of
either BLUE or SALMON install disks
regardless of the type used to originally
install system.
OS2CNEW5.ZIP OS/2 C/Set Newsletter #5.
OS2FACTS.ZIP Text File - Facts about OS/2 v2.1
OS2FAQP.ZIP Programmers Edition Of Frequently Asked
Questions And Answers Os/2.
OS2FAQT.ZIP Tim Sipples Frequently Asked Questions And
Answers In Text Format. Excellent!
OS2ICON8.ZIP OS/2 Quality Icons, Version 5.0. Now over
211 icons to dress up your OS/2 desktop.
Includes instructions for 2.0 and 2.1, a
list of the icons and descriptions in an
ASCII file, and more.
OS2NT.ZIP How to install OS/2 with Windows NT and DOS
on the same machine.
OS2PAS.ZIP OS/2 PAS soundboard info file. From
mediavision BBS
OS2SCAN.ZIP Allows use of OS/2 2.x inside of Hewlett
Packard (HP) scanner
OS2UG.ZIP PC and OS/2 User Group Listing. This
listing contains all known OS/2 User Groups
as well as many PC User Groups, some of
which have OS/2 SIG's (Special Interest
Group). (FW).
OS2VSNT.ZIP OS/2 2.1 vs. Windows NT - IBM White Paper.
IBM's rebuttal to MS Document: "Windows NT
and OS/2 2.1: The Advantages of Windows NT
for Todays Client Server Computing".
OSCAN106.ZIP ViruSCAN rel v106 for OS/2 from McAfee Assoc.
OSCPY250.ZIP Scopy/2 version 2.5 for OS/2 This is a disk
imaging software for OS/2 with
multi-threading for compression and I/O.
PASGIM.ZIP Online Personal AS/2 Version 3 General
Information Manual (Gim) in OS/2 'help'
Format (Inf File).
PCBARNO2.ZIP How to run multiple ports on a single PC
using PCBoard/M under OS/2 2.1. Includes
the ARNET drivers for SmartPort Plus and
PCMTABLE.ZIP LIST of non-ibm os/2 compatible systems
dated 5/24/93. 750 computers from 114
manufacturershave been tested and found to
be compatible with os/2 2.x.
PEGGED.ZIP Pegged 1.01, board game for OS/2 2.x PM of
PEGGED11.ZIP Pegged 1.1, board game of logic for OS/2 2.x
PJ09189.ZIP OS/2 2.1 fix SYS0551/0552 errors when
running CHKDSK on HPFS drives.
PLOTR2.ZIP Latest OS/2 2.x driver HPGL/2 before
downloading this file. (IBMnet).
PM2COL1C.ZIP Create multicolumn text and/or Postscript.
For OS/2 PM.
PMBINGO.ZIP OS/2 2.0 PM Bingo Best computer bingo ever
with lots of features including multiple
card play, many types of bingo games, auto
or manual play, play against the computer,
etc. By I. Z. Martinez (requires OS/2
PMBNG101.ZIP OS/2 PM Bingo Version 1.01 - Latest version
of excellent bingo game for OS/2 V2.x.
PMDU10.ZIP PMDUP is a 32 bit OS/2 PM application to
copy, verify, compare & format removeable
disks. Copy and format is done without any
typechecking. This enables 'transformation
of bootdisks' (5 1/4 -> 3 1/2). This is a
replacement forPMDUP.ZIP.
PMJB01A.ZIP PM Jukebox is a "jukebox style" WAV player
for OS/2 2.1.
PMKRON.ZIP PM Chronometer is a sort of Astrological
Clock. It calculates a horoscope every four
seconds and redraws the horoscope wheel
graph every two minutes. Runs under OS/2
2.0 and up, PM.
PMMIX20.ZIP Pmmixer v2.0 mixer tool for the SoundBlaster
under OS/2 2.1 MMPM/2
PMQWKB08.ZIP PMqwk offline mailreader. Late Beta release
32 bit application for OS/2 2.0+
PMROBOTS.ZIP A version of the classic UN*X game "robots"
for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. Smiley
is chased, and you need to help him avoid
the Killer Robots.
PMVD021.ZIP Pm Virtual Desktop For Os/2x workplace shell
creates "buttons" for moving about.
PMVU85A.ZIP A fast GIF/BMP/JPEG/PCX/Targa viewer for
OS/2 PM. This version has a fix so that it
will no longer trigger a bug in the March
OS/2 2.1 beta. It also adds scaling and
zooming, clipboard support, and other new
POST16.ZIP Latest OS/2 2.x driver. 16-bit Postscript.
POST32.ZIP 32-bit OS/2 PostScript Printer Driver
v21.389. This driver is compatible with
OS/2 versions 2.0 w/ Service Pack, and 2.1.
PS2AV741.ZIP PS/2 Assistant 74th Ed-For OS/2 1.2-2.0,
7/2/93. Part 1 of 2.
PS2AV742.ZIP PS/2 Assistant 74th Ed-For OS/2 1.2-2.0,
7/2/93. Part 2 of 2.
PS2AV751.ZIP IBM PS ASSISTANT is an online help tool
composed of PS/2 and OS/2 related marketing,
service, technical and general information.
this is one of two files [1/2]
PS2AV752.ZIP IBM PS ASSISTANT online help tool [2/2]
PS2OPT.ZIP PS2OPT.DSK is a NetWare v3.11 driver
modified to include a wider range of support
for tape drives as well as other issues;
Novell, Inc
PSP2CUST.ZIP IBM's response to Microsoft's position
paper(s) on OS/2. Interesting!
QWIK32.ZIP QwikSwitch 32 bit for OS/2 2.x (2.01).
Hotkeyswitch between sessions. Several
enhancements. A.o. Switch from DOS and
to/from seamless WIN. Evaluation version:
does nov save settings. (FW).
RECREA.ZIP OS/2 2.x Rexx command file that allows you
to recreate lost standard WPS objects.
REXXUTIL.ZIP REXXUTIL Information and Samples Rexxutil
how to info on shadows, folders, ini
Compiled by Mike Lamb from IBM Kingston.
For OS/2 2.x.
RODNT100.ZIP Rodent v1.00. Improved mouse driver for
OS/2 supports most mice, 3 button support,
RWM212.ZIP Relish Working Model Version 2.12! Relish
is The Premier Time Organizer For OS/2,
Including Easy to Use Drag- And-drop
Interface. This Version Includes A Special
Limited Time Offer Exclusive to BBS Users.
RXLAN0.ZIP REXXLAN LAN server API (version 0.99). This
REXX extension DLL enables full access to
the LAN Server 2.0 and/or 3.0 API. OS/2 2.0
and LAN Requester 2.0 or higher are
S3ANN.ZIP S3 Video Device Driver Q&A. S3 video device
driver support now available for OS/2 2.1
S3BDD1.ZIP S3 OS/2 thru v2.1 16 bit video display
drivers. 86c928 With Bt485 Dac Drivers.
S3BDD2.ZIP S3 OS/2 thru v2.1 16 bit video Drivers [2/2]
S3BETA.ZIP OS/2 2.1 S3 beta drivers install disk.
Includes utility to create install diskette.
This is the third drop of the S3 drivers
disk for IBM PS/Value points and other S3
S3NDD1.ZIP Finally! IBM support for S3 based video
adaptors for OS/2 2.x! This archive
contains S3 video drivers for OS/2 version
2.x (with Service Pack). For an S3 86C911
or 86C924 chip, you need 2 zip. 1/2
S3NDD2.ZIP Finally! IBM support for S3 based video
adaptors for OS/2 2.x! This archive
contains S3 video drivers for OS/2 version
2.x (with Service Pack). For an S3 86C911
or 86C924 chip, you need 2 zip. 2/2
SAVEINI.ZIP A REXX program for OS/2 ver 2.1 to Archive
the 5 major OS/2 configuration files.
SBCD2.ZIP Addition to The OS/2 2.X Soundblaster 16/pro
CD-ROM Drivers. This Now Also Supports The
New Sb16asp Doublespeed CD-ROM Via an Add
Driver. You Also Need Os2cdr.ZIP (here).
SBMMPM21.ZIP Beta drivers for OS/2 2.1 and Sound Blaster.
SCHED03B.ZIP Schedule/2 0.3 - Starts Programs With
Selectable Priority for OS/2 2.1. Germany.
SD08.ZIP Os/2 full-screen directory list (beta).
many options for how the screen is sorted.
Files: 5 08-31-93...09-15-93 New: 5
SECUREOS.ZIP Allows you to password protect
folders,files, and the Desktop. D/L'd from
CI$. For OS/2.
SIO102.ZIP Latest serial comm drivers for OS2
SIO111.ZIP Ray Gwinn's Virtual Comm Drivers for OS/2
2.x Fixes serious bug.
Files: 13 08-30-93...09-09-93 New: 9
SORT32OS.ZIP SORT32 FAST OS/2 2.1 virtual sort. Sorts up
to 16 fields. Can drop duplicate sort
fields and short records. FREEWARE by
SPKRDD11.ZIP IBM MMPM/2 PC Speaker driver ver 1.1.
STSHOW15.ZIP SHOW displays, prints and converts bitmaps
with the following format support: Windows
3.x BMP, OS/2 1.x BMP, Sun OS 4.0 PM (FW).
SWAPCHCK.ZIP Multi-Thread OS/2 PM Swapper.dat file
TAPESW.ZIP List of OS/2 compatible tape backup software.
TARV314.ZIP TARRR Utility for OS/2 1.3 and ES 1.0 DBM.
TBOS2.ZIP Patch for using media visions thunderboard
with os/2 2.1's mmpm/2.
TE2_124.ZIP Terminal Emulator/2 for OS/2 2.x Improves
windowed screen display speed over v1.23
includes a 200 entry dialing directory,
programmable function keys, scrollback
buffer six protocols (including zmodem) and
THOUGHT.ZIP TurboThought 1.0 - problem solver. Enables
"brainstorming" session on your PC.
Requires VGA, Windows 3.x or OS/2 2.x
(w/WIN-OS/2 installed) and VBRUN200.DLL.
THREADS5.ZIP MN OS/2 User Group May 1993 Newsletter.
THREADS6.ZIP MN OS/2 User Group June 1993 Newsletter.
TIMUP13.ZIP OS/2 Time up (SDS: OS/2). Displays the
amount of time since OS/2 was booted in the
smallest possible window.
TINF34.ZIP INF file of OS/2 applications, tools, books.
Sources, prices and descriptions. Less
products than the OS/2 Directory but all
have been reviewed by magazines at some time
(i.e. hopefully all or almost all exist).
Highly recommended.
UPDAT3.ZIP Third update of the Mitsumi OS/2 2.0 drivers
from Germany. Inlcudes single session Kodak
Photo-CD compatibility.
VDMA.ZIP OS/2 win-os2 file to correct inability to
use mediavision sound card (pas16 maybe
others in enhanced windows. From
Mediavision BBS.
VEMS27.ZIP OS/2 Memory And Disk Drive Display V2.7.
displays current free memory, Swap file size
and Swap drive info.
VF02R1.ZIP ViewFITS: FITS viewer for OS/2 PM. V0.2,
June 11, 1993. ViewFITS is a FITS viewer
for the OS/2 PM. "FITS" stands for
"Flexible Image Transport System" (FW).
VIEW3D.ZIP 32 bit, mouse oriented data/graphics viewer
for OS/2 2.x with sample of 3-D World
VMEM11.ZIP Virtual Memory displayer for OS/2 PM.
Displays the amount of free virtual and
physical memory.
VP162FIX.ZIP Beta fix for 162 163 errors on local bus
valuepoint using OS/2 2.0.
VPEVAL.ZIP Working evaluation version of VisPro/REXX.
For OS/2.
VSYSMON.ZIP From Virtual technology BBS, sysop utilities
for VBBS v6.1 Bulletin Board shareware for
VUNDEL2.ZIP Visual UnDelete utility for OS/2 2.x Find
deleted files fast and restore them quickly
VXRUN.ZIP Runtime DLL for VXRexx programs. Includes
nice calculator app.
WINBN2.ZIP Second benchmark comparison of OS/2 2.1
versus Windows NT (March Betas) by Timothy
F. Sipples (Author of the OS/2 Frequently
asked Questions List.)
WINDLG.ZIP An Os/2 Pm Code Fragment For Opening With A
Dialog Box, Instead Of A Window.
WIPEOS2.ZIP Great OS/2 screen saver demo, from new OS/2
software company, BocaSoft. WIPEOUT
WPSBK110.ZIP OS/2 Workplace Shell Backup Util. v1.10.
WPSBK201.ZIP Workplace Shell Backup v.2.01 - OS/2 2.1 WPS
Backup Utility Supports S3_256 release
Files: 3 06-01-93...09-07-93 New: 2